Beijing solidly promotes the high -quality balanced development of compulsory education

Optimize the layout of resources and accelerate the integration of urban and rural education.Increase fiscal investment and resource integration, strictly implement the requirements of the “two only increasing”, and ensure that education is prioritized.The renovation plan for primary and secondary school playgrounds has been implemented. In the past three years, it has invested 1.59 billion yuan in municipal funds, and a total of 5.947 million square meters of the renovation playground has been renovated.Implement the weak links of compulsory education and the special action plan for improvement and ability improvement, with a cumulative investment of 530 million yuan. At present, a total of 19,000 primary and secondary school classroom lighting lighting equipment, 18,000 campus safety video monitoring system, and the Internet line of 813 kitchen kitchen kitchenEssenceGive full play to the overall role of municipal transfer payment funds, funds are inclined towards weak areas such as distant suburbs, and the average investment in the suburbs accounts for 60%of the total municipal transfer payment.Since the “Fourteenth Five -Year Plan”, it has implemented the “people’s livelihood project” for three consecutive years, an increase of 110,000 degrees.Among them, in 2023, the “newly added 20,000 primary and secondary school degrees” practical tasks, 35 new and expanded schools were built, renewed and expanded, and 38,000 new degrees were added.Planning and construction of 17 high -quality primary and secondary schools in key areas such as “Three Cities and One District”, with a total of 31,000 high -quality degrees.Promote the construction of the community of urban and rural compulsory education, print and distribute the “” Hands and Hands “Belly Assistance Work Plan for the main urban area and the township compulsory education school”, coordinate the 365 pair of “hand -pull” pair of compulsory education schools, covering all township compulsory education in the citySchools, promote education elements and high -quality resources in the order of curriculum, activities, teachers, teaching and research, management and other educational elements.Strengthen digital empowerment, build a good use of Beijing primary and secondary school smart education platform (air classroom), and strive to promote 200 “dual -teacher classrooms” school pilots.Resource exchange sharing.Trial of the open training plan for teachers, mobilizing about 1,500 special principals, special teachers, senior teachers, subject teaching leaders, backbone teachers, and backbone class teachers in the city as the instructor.Serve.Implementing the open online counseling of teachers in middle schools. In 2023, 1,441 intermediate and above titles teachers conducted questioning and answering questions for online counseling exchanges. A total of 145,400 counseling, 76.7%of suburban students.