Chengdu -Chongqing Four places sign the joint construction framework agreement in key areas such as business secret protection

Chengdu -Chongqing Four places sign the joint construction framework agreement in key areas such as business secret protection

On April 18, Chengdu -Chongqing Commercial Secret Protection Cross -regional theme exchange activities and the signing ceremony of the joint construction agreement were held in Wuhou District, Chengdu.The main lectures and round table discussions were organized on the spot.Wuhou District, Chengdu, Shapingba District, Chongqing City, Jiangbei District, Chongqing City, and the Four Places Market Supervision Bureau of Jiangjin District, Chongqing City officially signed the “Local Local Construction Framework Agreement in Key areas such as commercial secret protection”.

The theme of this activity is “Strengthening the Protection of Commercial Secrets and the Innovation and Development of Enterprises for Enterprises”.At the event site, Yuehu New Materials Technology Center of Wuhou District, Chengdu, Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd., Yufeng Technology Co., Ltd., and Southwest Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. introduced the practical experience of protection of their own business secrets to introduce the business secret protection of the industrial parkThe main practices of service and business secret protection system operation.It provides a work example for reference to reference to reference to the improvement of business secret protection capabilities.

In response to the difficulty of promoting high -quality development and information sharing of information in the process of protection of business secrets, Wen Xu, director of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate Consulting Expert, Zhang Peng, Director of the Market Supervision Bureau of Wuhou District, Chengdu City, and Chengdu Huadi Communication Technology Co., Ltd.Deputy General Manager Yu Lei, Fang Mingquan, General Manager of Chongqing Manchu Network Technology Co., Ltd., Tian Xiaoling, Chairman of Huixi Intellectual Property Appraisal Co., Ltd., combined with new explorations and new explorations in the fields of administrative and judicial practice, business secret corporate compliance, business secret appraisal and other fields.Development, from the perspective of commercial secret information protection, corporate security, policy services, etc., in -depth discussions are carried out around the theme of “business secret protection and balance of corporate innovation”.

In order to better promote the coordinated and innovative development of the Chengdu -Chongqing area in the fields of commercial secret protection, Wuhou District, Chengdu, Shapingba District, Chongqing City, Chongqing Jiangbei District, and Jiangjin District of Chongqing have officially signed the event site”Combined Framework Agreement in key areas such as business secret protection”.The signing of this agreement is a specific measure for the joint business environment of Chengdu -Chongqing Market Supervision and Liaison Construction. It will start in -depth and pragmatic cooperation in optimizing the quality of business secret protection services, establishing a mechanism for administrative law enforcement, and promoting the development of key industries.It marks the formal development stage of the business secret protection collaboration of the Chengdu -Chongqing Four Places.

In the afternoon of the same day, the Wuhou District Market Supervision Bureau, Chongqing Shapingba District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, Chongqing Jiangbei District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, Chongqing Jiangjin District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau jointly held the first joint construction of business secret protectionIn the secondary work meeting, the meeting reviewed the “Links and Establishing Rotary Working System in key areas such as commercial secret protection” and clarified the “List of Cross -Regional Cooperation Projects of Commercial Secrets in 2024”.Under the framework of the joint construction cooperation, the four places will accelerate the implementation of cooperative content such as the construction of the standards for the protection of the business secret protection industry, the construction of the joint protection alliance, the improvement of administrative law enforcement capabilities, and the construction of demonstration bases.Protective efficiency.

In the next step, the Sichuan Provincial and Chongqing Market Supervision Bureau will guide the cooperation between the Quartet to give full play to the advantages of social resources and actively explore the establishment of a long -term cooperation mechanism of “four places collaboration and multi -party participation.”The development of kinetic energy has made greater contributions to the construction of the Shuangcheng Economic Circle in Chengdu and Chongqing and the construction of a new highland in western business.

Original title: Chengdu -Chongqing Four places signed a joint construction framework agreement for key areas such as business secrets