Disasters are approaching, and the 8 best non -corrosive foods in our lives have been stored?

Just brushed the webpage, and saw an earthquake in the vast cliff city of Haixi Prefecture, Qinghai on March 28. The sense of earthquake was strong. Many people were awakened by the earthquake in their dreams.

I think of last year’s “Mangosteen”, don’t you remember that you still remember?I was studying at a university in Guangzhou at that time. After the school urgently notified, we went to the supermarket at the door of the supermarket after the class was suspended. The supermarket employees were temporarily working to work at two or three points.The next afternoon of the supermarket was more than half of the shelves, and a box of Master Kang rose to 5.5 yuan.

At that time, we all stored a box of instant noodles, a box of water, and two charging treasures in the dormitory.

In recent years, the frequency and strength index of natural disasters have risen. In 2018 alone, various types of natural disasters caused a total of 130 million people across the country, 589 people died, 46 people disappeared, and 5.245 million person -times emergency transfer.According to the announcement of the disaster situation, various types of natural disasters caused a total of 97,000 houses collapsed, 231,000 were severely damaged, and 1.208 million were generally damaged; the disaster area of crops was 20814.3 thousand hectares, of which 2585,000 hectares were collected; the direct economic loss was 264.46 billion yuan.EssenceIn the face of disasters, food shortages are common, so is we preparing for random strain or ahead?

Disasters are suddenly, and people often rush to the nearest supermarket to buy supplies.However, some studies have shown that any city is only about 1-2 days of food supply at any specific time.Moreover, some vendors will take the opportunity to raise prices to seek huge profits.

The random strain party goes out to turn left and leaves left. The little friends who have planned to take a note with me and the list!

In many reports, the description of honey is “food that will not be corrupted.”

Regarding this statement, there is a small story: In 1913, American archaeologists discovered a can of natural honey 3300 years ago in the Egyptian pyramid. After identification, they can still be eaten.Later, although it proves that this is a can of “pour alkali” of mummy, it also proves that honey played an important role in “anticorrosive antibacterial” as one of the main components.

Why is the antibacterial ability of honey so strong?

1. The sugar content of honey is more than 75%, and the high concentration of sugar plays a bacteriostatic effect.This belongs to the category of biochemistry. If you are interested, you can search for yourself;

2. The pH value of mature honey is between 3.2 and 4.5, and the pH value of bacterial breeding is between 7.2 and 7.4. The acidic environment in honey can effectively inhibit the “settlement of settlement” and “opening the branches” of various pathogenic microorganisms.Essence

3. Mature natural honey contains a large amount of enzymes with biological activity. I won’t go into details.

What is mature honey?

1. From the perspective of the type of sugar: honey passes through the bee’s throughput, the moisture content is reduced to less than 20%, and the collected sugar is converted into monosaccharides, glucose and fructose, so that the total sugar content is higher than 70%;

2. From the perspective of the production process: mature honey appears about seven days after the collection of honey is completed, and the bee uses beeswax lid with the honey nest to cut the nest to pick the honey;

3. From the perspective of consumer experience: Relatively speaking, the water content of honey is high, the taste is light and thin, and it is easy to ferment and deteriorate.

How to save?

1. Try to seal as much as possible.Honey absorbs water and is easily fermented in the air for a long time.

2. Put a cool place.It is recommended to store it in a cool place below 20 ° C.

3. Choose the jar.The strong acidity of the above honey has also seen it, so it must not be used to keep the honey with metal utensils, otherwise a chemical reaction will occur.

4. Look at the shelf life.The honey on the market is generally two years of shelf life. This is required by the national food quality standards. During the consumption process, if you find honey pantotic or wine flavor, bubbles or color become gray surface, do not eat anymore.

5. Although honey can be eaten for a long time, the nutritional value of fresh honey will still be lost slowly. It must be the best after eating early!

The salt does not have the dates of failure, because its shelf life is indefinite.

Why do you need to store salt?

1. Used for cooking;

2. Used as preservatives, marinated various vegetables, meat egg milk, etc.;

3. Used for medical treatment: In the morning, a cup of salt water is cleaned up, mild oral inflammation is rinsed with saline, nose bleeding can be dipped in saline with cotton, and the effect of bite of poisonous worms such as scorpion crickets has the effect of disinfection. Spleen and stomach disagreement can also reduce stomach diseases, salt water soaked with athletes … my country’s iodized salt can also prevent point deficiency.

4. Used for beauty: Washing your face with salt water can remove lees, acne, etc., brushing your mouth and mouthwash can also whiten your teeth and prevent tooth decay.

Milk powder: In any type of natural disaster, electricity is likely to extinguish, so any opportunity to save liquid milk will disappear.

What are the storage and use of salt?

1. Pay attention to the air humidity problem, add a lid.

When the relative humidity of the air> 75 %, the salt is easy to melt.

The air is too dry, and the salt and salt are easy to get.

2. Pay attention to the nature of iodized salt:

Potassium iodine contained in salt is easy to break down under the conditions of humidity, dry heat, and ventilation, and iodine is sublimated by traveling away;

The sunlight will accelerate the loss of iodine.

2. After the salt is immersed by water or other liquid seasonings, it will accelerate the moisture and loss of iodine, and reduce the edible value of salt.

3. Storage containers should not use metal.Because the chemical components of salt are sodium chloride, the original battery reacts to corrodes metal utensils, and the salt will be affected.

4. Put in a dry and cool place.

The closer place to the stove will accelerate the iodine separation, which will affect the quality of iodized salt.

5. When cooking, add iodized salt when the dishes are mature, otherwise it will also lose the nutrients due to heating to increase the iodine.

Regardless of whether there are children in the house, you must have a little milk powder. Why?

1. Rich nutrition.Taking milk or goat milk as the raw material, the main components are protein, fat, sugar, minerals, vitamins, etc. Nutrition can meet the needs of baby’s growth. It is okay to meet adults in the short term.

2. Suitable for a wide range of people.Almost everyone can quote as long as they are not allergic.

3. Most of them are powder granules, simple operation.

4. Easy to store and easy to carry.

5.用途广:可以冲泡饮用,也能用到食品加工里如罐装饮料、咖啡牛奶、调味*******、吐司、蛋糕、布丁、巧克力、饼干、车轮饼、冰激凌、Alcoas, milk sugar, corn soup, oatmeal pharmaceutical (calcium tablets) can also be used as animal feed or organic fertilizer.

Those problems should be paid to storing milk powder?

1. Nutrition loss after opening the milk powder can: 10-15%of nutrition within a week, and 20-30%of nutritional loss of 2-3 weeks.

2. Milk powder should not store in the refrigerator.Because the temperature difference between the inside and the outside and the air humidity will make the milk powder solve, the seal is placed in a place to avoid light, cool, and dry places;

3. The milk powder should be discarded more than a month after opening.

4. Under the right preservation conditions, unpacked milk powder will generally have a long shelf life.

In our lives, there is no lack of staple foods, such as wheat in the north, rice in the south.These foods mainly provide us with the most basic calories and nutrition.But one of the problems we have to consider is that once disasters occur, water and power outages, and natural gas cannot be used normally, what should we do?

It is recommended that you store some foods such as compressed biscuits, instant noodles:

1. The storage conditions are simple and easy to carry.

2. High density and hunger.

3. Eat, is not affected by the environment, just dismantle packaging.

4. In recent years, taste and taste have also continued to improve, and there are diverse varieties.

5. In recent years, nutritional components have gradually increased.

Although there are many compressed biscuits, it should not eat more:

1. Some nutritional ingredients cannot be obtained in compressed biscuits;

2. Emergency, long -term consumption has the risk of stones.

Meat, eggs, and milk are indispensable videos in our lives. It supplements the essential protein of the human body. Without them.What are the convenient protein foods for stored?

1. Protein powder.As a supplementary food for amino acids, protein powder can provide necessary nutrition for young children, elderly people, sports crowds, patients and patients with postoperatives, and people who lose weight due to lack of protein.But not too much.

2. Dry meat, bacon, milk, eggs, etc. This is an indispensable protein food in our lives. Emmmm, high protein foods must not eat more, just appropriate amount.

Just like salt, sugar is not valid, it can last for a long time, but like most seasonings, they will lose their original nutrition and taste over time.

Regarding storage, the conditions are one -dry and closed container.

1. Dry corn: Fresh corn has a short life, but corn is properly dry and waterproof; it can last for a long time.As one of the staple foods, there are many uses of corn. It is the essential composition of your best “non -rotten food list” in emergency situations.

2. Dry beans: This depends on personal hobbies. If you like beans, you can prepare more. If you don’t like it, you must use meat, eggs, and milk to replace it to supplement nutrition.

3. Dried fruit: The dried fruits on the market are mainly walnuts, peanuts, etc., but I suggest that you can also buy some dried fruits online. Many of the nutrients in the fruits are not in other foods, and modern processing technology is made.The dry fruits are well preserved. As an essential food for emergency, it can also be regarded as the best source of nutrition and vitamin obtained.

4. Dry vegetables: Like the principle of dried fruits, the dried vegetables also save the nutritional ingredients while removing the water extending the shelf life.

All kinds of dry goods, it is best to eat it. You can save more. Even if you do n’t encounter an accident, it ’s good to eat a little bit of taste!

The can must be available.

1. Canned fruit, my favorite is yellow peach. You can choose according to your personal preferences.

2. Canned fish: oily fish such as sandwiches and tuna are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are very healthy.When we are camp, we often bring some canned fish, when the pickles are full of flavor.In addition, the shelf life is generally 2-3 years.

3. Lao Ganma: This, not much to say, crooked nuts are staining, what are you struggling.

4. Bottle water: In any case, there must be bottled water at home.In the event of an accident, in order to prevent the water from polluting the water, and to avoid water and power from the home, bottled water is essential.Moreover, water such as water will not really deteriorate, as long as it is not soiled, it can be used.

Having said so much, we still have to sum up. When we are preparing for emergency food food, we mainly consider the following questions:

1. The shelf life should be long;

2. Can meet nutritional needs;

3. High calories;

4. Convenient storage and consumption;

5. To prepare an appropriate amount, do not have too much or too little according to the amount and time of time;

6. Try to match the taste and taste according to personal preferences;

7. Regularly check the verification. One is to see the shelf life, and the other is to adjust the types and quantities appropriately according to the climate season.

Alright, here is the essential food list of home travel!If you are really preparing to go out, in addition to eating, remember to prepare an emergency box, and the relevant content will be organized and shared for everyone later.