Financial technology companies go to sea: Is it a good business for "selling shovels" in emerging markets | 2024 Observation

Financial technology companies go to sea: Is it a good business for "selling shovels" in emerging markets | 2024 Observation

Every time a reporter Ye Xiaodan is edited and edited    


Picture source: Visual China

In 2024, if you go out of the sea, you will go out.

On March 19, Wang Zhigang, a well -known strategic consulting expert and founder of Zhigang Think Tank, gave a clear breakout path to Chinese companies. In his opinion, “once you go out, the opportunity is unlimited.”

In fact, many domestic heads are currently giving globalization.They have different forms of going to the sea. They have both products out of sea, brands to sea, as well as supply chains to sea and science and technology to go to sea.

The trend of going to the sea has not diminished, and cross -border transactions are also active, and the demand for fintech to go to sea has emerged accordingly.Compared with the naked products, the products of the naked eye are out of sea, and financial technology companies go to sea. They are more to provide solutions or technical capabilities. Emerging markets are their anchored market opportunities, but they will inevitably encounter dangerous beaches and reefs.

Is it a good business for fintech companies to go to the sea for emerging markets?

On March 19, Ant Group announced a new round of organizational structure upgrades, which will “accelerate globalization” as one of the three major strategies of the Group’s reform.The day before, on March 18th, Ant Catalion (Ant Group’s Digital Technology Business Group) and the Bank Center Credit Bank (hereinafter referred to as BCC Bank) signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement in Hangzhou.This is a new progress in the strategy of advancing the overseas of Ant.

“Daily Economic News” reporter learned from the press conference that the cooperation with Ant Division and BCC Bank mainly involved the technology module was Ant MPAAS (mobile development platform).Through this cooperation, BCC will use Ant MPAAS to create Super App (super app) for the first time, providing cross -border trade -related digital services for global and local customers.

On the same day, the CEO Vladimirov Ruslan, CEO of BCC Bank, said in a question from the reporter of “Daily Economic News”: “At present (passed) the Holgos ASEAN ports on China and Kazakhstan, bilateral physical trade and offline trade are already underway.The transaction volume is very large. In the process, we hope to give all the digital services without dead ends that have been trading and future trading. “

In addition to bilateral trade can achieve online transactions through the Super App, Vladimirov Ruslan introduced that more and more tourists from China and Kazakhstan will be more and more tourists. Visitors can use the APP to consume and shop directly, and at the same time make more Kazakhstans more.Come to consumption in China conveniently to promote the friendship between China and Kazakhstan.

It is understood that BCC banks are one of the oldest and largest banks in Kazakhstan, providing comprehensive financial services for customers with more than 3 million customers.The bank also provides convenient cross -border payment to overseas through its cooperation network connecting 40 foreign banks.

The same cooperation also occurred in the Middle East market.The Ajila Brothers Holding Group established TIQMO, a digital bank subsidiary, was provided by Fufu Tong, a subsidiary of Huafeng Super Fiber (SZ300180, a stock price of 3.54 yuan, and a market value of 6.234 billion yuan).At present, TIQMO is operated in the Middle East and North Africa regions, covering Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and other countries.

On the 21st, the managing director of TIQMO and the executive director of the Ajiri Brothers Group, Abdul Aziz Ajez Ajila Aje (Anceland), introduced to the “Daily Economic News” reporter:”With the digital payment technology of Chinese partners, TIQMO can seize the market opportunities of the Saudi mobile payment industry, and is committed to creating & lsquo;.

Photo source: each reporter Zhang Jian (data map)

Why do they choose to cooperate with Chinese fintech companies?

According to Ajilan’s view, the construction of digital China is already one of the important engines of China’s modernization, and technology finance and digital finance have become a major strategic and key development areas.As of 2023, relevant statistics show that China’s mobile payment penetration rate has reached an amazing 86%, ranking first in the world.

In the consideration of choosing partners, Ajilan revealed: “When choosing a partner, we will first see whether its track is Saudi & lsquo; 2030 vision & rsquo;Technology and artificial intelligence, 5G, medical, games and logistics and many other industries are in the world’s leading position. We expect to establish strategic cooperation with outstanding Chinese companies in these areas to help them realize local technology, products and services in the Middle East and North Africa regionsAt the same time, promote the local digital economy transformation, promote the long -term sustainable development of the non -oil industry, thereby helping Saudi Arabia & lsquo; 2030 vision & rsquo; “.”

Saudi Arabia’s “2030 Vision” will develop the digital economy and digital infrastructure as an important goal, and one of the contents will increase the proportion of digital payment to 70%in 2030.

Why does BCC Bank choose Chinese fintech companies?

Kazakhstan, located in Central Asia, has been effective in digitalization in recent years.Not long ago, Kazakhstan Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry Minister Bagndat Musin had stated that Kazakhstan’s online services ranked 8th in the world, and the development of “electronic government” ranked 28th in the world.

BCC Bank CIO (Chief Information Officer) ASPANDIYAROE Darkhan said in an interview with daily economic news and other media that in order to promote digitalization, KazakhWait for digital engineering in all aspects.In terms of finance, more than 11 key projects have been done.If it is used by numbers, 85%of the current Kazakhstan has been completed online, that is, there is almost no cash payment.

“Kazakhstan’s population structure is young, 45%of the population age is under 30 years of age. He is keen to connect with the other parts of the world in the world. The digital service activity of local enterprises is also very high, which provides the foundation for the cooperation between our two parties.” Ant counts.Li Guowei, the general manager of the International Business Manager, shared on the spot, “Taking the cooperation of super application development solutions as a link, Ant Digital Science will also actively promote the cooperation between Kazakhstan and Chinese merchants in digital services and trade.”

The cooperation with BCC banks is the action of further increase in the market layout of the Ant Division.Earlier, Ant Division focused on the rapidly growing digital needs of Southeast Asia.It is understood that at present, ZOLOZ, a security technology platform of Ant Digital Sciences, Ant Mpaaas, the Yunya PaaS platform, SOFASTASTACK, and WEB technology products ZAN, etc., have expanded their business to Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia and other countries and regions. In the past, one wasThe annual revenue increased by 300%.

Fintech goes to the sea and also faces the challenge of how to do a good job of “localization” services.

Qi Xiaolong, the general manager of the Data Intelligence and Science and Technology Division of Ant Digital Section, said: “From the global perspective, data privacy and legal security are the first important thing. Whether it is customer needs or its own product ability.Data are the core. How to solve the problem is what we have always been thinking and improvement. Following the premise of data security compliance, how to ensure the mining ability, decision -making capabilities, and resource optimal resources of various distributed dataUse. “

Liu Yi, Secretary -General of the Zhejiang Digital Fintech Federation and the Associate Professor of Practice of the International Coalition Business School of Zhejiang University, said in an interview with the reporter of “Daily Economic News” that in the complex background of the current world political and economic turbulence, the development of fintech development around the worldObvious “asymmetric” occurred.”We summarized it into three modes in” Global Fintech Hub Report 2023 “Consumer/market pull models, industry/technology -driven models represented by the United States, and the British and EU as the represented ecological/rule model. “

Therefore, Liu Yi believes that when Chinese fintech companies go to sea, they should also fully pay attention to the characteristics and advantages of their own market pull models, and choose to choose those with fast economic growth, young population structure, limited traditional financial services penetration, and low geopolitical risks.Emerging markets are integrated into the local area.