Guizhou Pingtang: Building an educational dream together in collaboration between the East and the West

Guizhou Pingtang: Building an educational dream together in collaboration between the East and the West

Shan Hai Lianxin and depend on each other.Since the pairing cooperation between Pingtang County, Baiyun District, Guangzhou City and Guizhou Province, Guizhou Province, the two places have aimed at the high -quality development of the education level in Pingtang County, which has significant effects in improving the conditions of school running, improving the quality of education, and improving the level of teachers.Provide a strong talent guarantee for the development of Pingtang’s education.

The incident angle is greater than the refraction angle, so the light is constantly bending …

The teacher who is lectured for the students is Wang Zhiying, a helper teacher in Baiyun District, Guangzhou.In February 2019, she was appointed by Baiyun District, Guangzhou, and she came to Pingtang National Middle School to carry out “group -style” education assistance, and was hung as the deputy principal of the school.It has been more than five years in a blink of an eye. For a few years, she has actively organized teachers such as moral education backbone, class teacher, and discipline leader to conduct teaching lectures and demonstration classes.Do a good job in the quality analysis of each joint entrance examination, accurately analyze each class, each teacher, and each student, and scientifically formulate a “one policy of a lifetime” and “one file of a lifetime” to comprehensively improve the quality of teaching.

Wang Zhiying is instructed students to do a question (Photo Conferring in Rong Media Center, Pingtang County)

“When speaking, you can’t fill up. You have to let the students think independently, let the students present themselves, and then guide the students to solve this problem.” Wang Zhiying said.

Petrochemical Jie, a student of Pingtang National Middle School, said: “Mr. Wang’s problem -solving method to us is very novel and very efficient. At the same time, it can move me to other disciplines and make me more confident when facing learning.”

The responsibility of education assistance is to turn “blood transfusion” into “hematopoietic”.Wang Zhiying uses information technology to build Pingtang -Guangzhou Knowledge Sharing Platform, and organizes Pingtang Teachers to learn the “same class of heterogeneous” courses online, conduct new textbooks, teaching concepts, proposition ideas and theoretical training, and effectively give play to the EastFamous teachers lead the role of the gang to improve the education and teaching level of the Pingtang National Middle School.

Wei Long, deputy director of the grade and the leader of the physics teaching and research team of Pingtang National Middle School, said: “Under the guidance of Teacher Wang, my educational ability and teaching practice have been improved, and I won three in the lesson of participating in Guizhou Province’s” One Teacher, One Excellent “lesson.Wait.

Education must not only pay attention to students’ performance, but also the psychology of students.Wang Zhiying is good at listening to the voice of students, understanding their needs and confusion, and giving timely guidance and help, so that the students’ hearts are nourished and inspired, and they are full of confidence and expectations for the future.

Wang Zhiying is doing psychological guidance for students (Photo Conferring in Rong Media Center, Pingtang County)

“Teacher Wang often taught us some truths of life, and at the same time give us timely care and encouragement, so that I would be clearer in the future. I believe that when I face the frustration of life in the future, I think of Teacher Wang. I will face it.”” “Pingtang National Middle School student Petrochemical said.

“It’s right to do”, this is Wang Zhiying’s life motto. This sentence encourages herself and encourages the teachers of the Pingtang National Middle School.

“I will continue to use Teacher Wang’s new educational concepts and ideas as our style, keep my thoughts continuously, and help our schools to learn physics and achieve success.” Wei Long said.

Wang Zhiying said: “I think as an educator, I can glow and heat up in the place where you most need you. I feel that I have made it. Compared to what I give, I have harvested more, and this kind of life is more meaningful.”

Similarly, in the fourth kindergarten of Pingtang County, teacher Wu Bixia is also an active response of the East and West Cooperation Education assistance.She is not far away to overcome the difficulties of regional differences, cultural differences, and eating habits. She shows extraordinary perseverance and determination. In order to realize the sharing of advantageous resources and promote the balanced development of pre -school education in Pingtang.

“After coming to Pingtang, I found that in some children’s behavior habits, there are also some parents’ educational concepts, which are very different from Guangzhou. Therefore, I hope to put some advanced educational concepts and themselves in Guangzhou.Some experiences brought to Pingtang. “Wu Bixia said.

In early 2023, Wu Bixia came to Pingtang County from the Civil Aviation Kindergarten in Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, and was hung as the deputy head of the teaching of the fourth kindergarten in Pingtang County.Since the Gang Gang, she combined with her professional director and solid teaching experience to carry out the guidance of teachers’ “follow -up learning” and experts in the park by “going out and bringing in”.Multiple forms of teaching and research activities bring advanced education concepts into Pingtang, so that the quality of the four young teachers is continuously improved.

Wu Jingmei, the head of the fourth kindergarten in Pingtang County, said: “She took our teacher team to carry out different forms of teaching and research, bringing us advanced early childhood education concepts.”

Wu Bixia took the students to play puzzle games (Plan Confer in Rong Media Center, Pingtang County)

Wu Bixia also allowed children to participate in various handmade, artistic creation and other activities through the practice of practicing and innovative exploration of children, so as to exercise children’s hands -on ability, cultivate creative thinking and aesthetic ability, and received unanimous praise from teachers and students.

Chen Cheng, a student of the fourth kindergarten in Pingtang County, said: “I especially like Teacher Wu, because she designed our classroom to become more beautiful. At the same time, when we encounter difficulties, she always thinks of ways to help us solve it.”

“I will give the teachers the concept of environmental creation, and color matching some teaching seminars and class guidance. Through some three -dimensional space education concepts to create the environment, they can improve their aesthetic ability.” Wu BixiaSaid.

It is a kind of teaching habit of Wu Bixia to capture the child’s beautiful moment with the lens. This habit allows parents to understand the child’s situation in the garden and promote the communication of the home.

Wu Bixia guided the corner of the campus ring created by Wu Bixia (Photo Conferry at Rong Media Center, Pingtang County)

Wu Bixia said: “Putting children in the kindergarten of the kindergarten use multimedia to make wonderful childhood memories. Some parents working in other places can see the growth of young children, contact their homes, and better do the education of our children.”

At the same time, Wu Bixia also uses herself as a bridge to use the training method of “online+offline” teaching and co -study to carry out “group -style collaboration” between the two places parks to help the four young teachers improve their professionalism, broaden the education horizon, andUpdate education concept.

Wu Jingmei said: “We will carefully learn from the experience and practices of Guangzhou schools, combine the actual situation of the park, continuously explore the road suitable for its own development, improve the quality of education, lay a solid foundation for the growth and development of young children.Satisfied kindergarten.

Helping is never the growth of a person and the growth of a school, but the growth of a group of people and the growth of a regional education.

Baiyun District, Guangzhou, invested in the newly -built Pingtang National Middle School “Arts and Sports Building” (Photo Conferry, Pingtang County Rong Media Center)

Since the launch of the cooperation education work of the East and the West, Baiyun District, Guangzhou has selected 47 educational cadre talents with good political quality, strong work ability, and high professional level.EssenceAt present, a total of more than 56 million yuan in education assistance funds, 6,224 special training for educational teaching and teaching for teachers in primary and secondary schools, 448 substantial assistance activities, and 222 primary and secondary school principals, middle -level cadres and backbone teachers in Pingtang County selected.Go to Baiyun District, Guangzhou to study and follow up.In 2023, more than 60 students from the two places visited each other, and 2,100 teachers participated in online and offline discussions.

The “group -style” education assistance has changed the fate of the children of Pingtang County, and also entrusted the future of the development of the educational development of Shanxiang to promote the new level of Pingtang education.