"Hilin" goes out to sea rapidly, what abacus did Europe play?

"Hilin" goes out to sea rapidly, what abacus did Europe play?

A series of signs show that the European Union and its member states plan to strengthen supervision of China’s fast fashion cross -border e -commerce platform SHEIN and Pinduoduo’s cross -border e -commerce platform TEMU.

Among them, a bill that has been initially formed has entered the legislative process in France.Recently, the French National Assembly has unanimously adopted this bill 2129 to combat low -cost and fast fashion (hereinafter referred to as the “2129 Act”) to reduce the impact of the textile industry on the environment.Fast fashion products are collected by 5 euros (about 39 yuan) ecological footprint surcharge, and will increase to 10 euros by 2030.But the surcharges cannot exceed 50%of the price of the product.

First Financial reporter read the bill and saw that the bill proposal and discussion repeatedly emphasized that the explosive growth of the explosive growth during the epidemic period, saying that “the products provided by Higo are 900 times that of the traditional French brand.” The reason is this.Consumption has caused impulse purchase and forced European fashion brands to increase production to cope with “vicious cycle competition”.

Source: 1229 Act

Robert Mckay, an analyst of the Blue Lotus Research Agency, told the First Financial reporter that Zara and H & M have been in France for many years. This bill and Higher’s rapid development of Europe is not a coincidence at the same time.

He said that the French legislators did not hide the intention of this bill for Higo, and they even discussed whether the bill would lead to retaliation measures in China.

Zhao Yongsheng, a researcher at the National Institute of Foreign Open and French Economic Research Center of the University of Foreign Economics and Trade, also told the First Financial Reporter that when he communicated with some French decision -making people privately, they also said thatWith more than 1,000 pieces, the restrictions of its fiscal donation (that is, the above surcharge) will be adjusted accordingly “directly pushing some cross -border e -commerce with powerful new ability to the” threshold “.

The “Fast Fashion” Act is mainly for Chinese e -commerce

The 2129 bill proposed this time is aimed at a relatively new industry- “fast fashion”.How to define and quantify “fast fashion” determines its scope and strength of law enforcement, which brands and companies will be affected by its brunt.

The interpretation memorandum of the 2129 Act mentioned that “China’s clothing company Higou launched more than 7,200 new styles of clothes per day to provide consumers with more than 470,000 different products.10,000) is 900 times the traditional French brand. “

To this end, as mentioned earlier, the French party set up the clause that “more than 1,000 new product models launched by manufacturers every day, and their financial donations will be adjusted accordingly.”

Zhao Yongsheng told the First Financial Reporter that in the exchange between him and some French decision makers, the other party stated that the so -called “1,000 pieces” was basically designed according to the capacity of the brands such as ZARA.

“But why is the production of 1,000 new styles of environmental protection, and more than 7,000 new styles in China are not environmentally friendly?” He said, “This is completely taken to think of his head.”

At the same time, the logic of the French party’s so -called “stimulating consumption because it is cheap” does not conform to the principles of economics.Zhao Yongsheng believes that this supply and demand relationship is solved.

McKan said to the First Financial reporter that the definition of (French) fast fashion will exclude French companies such as Kiabi and sports brands such as Kiabi and sports brands.

There are even more radical opinions within the French side.In the last week’s bill, the standard has gradually relaxed to cover more fast fashion brands.The non-governmental organization’s Stop Fast-Fashion Alliance recommends that it simply adopts the threshold of 5,000 models per year. Some members propose to set up 10,000 new models each year as the standard to avoid “covering the corner of the iceberg”.Specific division standards still need to be determined follow -up.

At present, the bill must still be voted by the Senate. Once effective, the French government will issue orders to announce the exact standards.

Wang Liang, a lawyer of Jinshangcheng Law Firm, told the first financial reporter: “The scope of the bill of applications has strong subjectivity, making the government’s law enforcement more flexible and ‘targeted’, and the bill cannot show fairness.”

Zhao Yongsheng told the First Financial Reporter that at present, the overall Western European economy has been impacted too much, and the party decision makers do not know how to deal with it. Similar to this “fast fashion” bill can only be scheduled.The problem is unsuccessful, or the French people pay for it. The final solution is to open the market. Of course, as a response, China should also share some interests with local interests.

How to deal with wind and rain, how to deal with it

Related data from French side shows that in the past ten years, the number of clothing sold in France has increased by 1 billion pieces each year, reaching 3.3 billion items, that is, more than 48 per capita, but this has not increased to French domestic clothing brands.

The mid -range jackets occupying half of the French clothing industry have been in crisis since last year. For example, many French clothing flagship brands such as Camaïeu, Naf Naf, André, KOOKAï have faced large -scale layoffs or judicial liquidation.According to data from the French Commercial Union, in 2023, at least 4,000 jobs in the French clothing and shoe industries disappeared, and a total of 37,000 jobs were reduced in 10 years.

Not only is it in France, the influence of AliExpress, TEMU and Higher in Germany is also increasing.According to German media reports, TEMU and Herchi transport about 400,000 parcels to Germany every day, and a quarter of Germans have shopping in TEMU.

First Financial reporter asked several people who had used the above cross -border e -commerce in Germany. They all said that the price on the platform was really huge as the retail price difference between Germany and could not refuse.

At the same time, in accordance with EU regulations, goods with more than 150 euros shall pay tariffs.But there is almost no product price of more than 150 euros on the TEMU platform, and if it exceeds, you can also disassemble the package and ship.

In this regard, German legislators expressed their concerns.The European Union also stated that it is necessary to reform the European Customs.The European Parliament recently stated that it will carry out the largest customs reform since 1968 and establish the EU’s own customs department.

Many industry experts interviewed by the First Financial Reporter said that some of the current phenomena do not occur overnight. Cross -border compliance issues should be planned, and they cannot always wait for the other party’s laws.It is difficult to revoke, and its subsequent cost is too large.

Mai Kai told the First Financial reporter: “About 60%of TEMU’s total transaction comes from non -fashion products, and because TEMU is technically a third -party retail seller platform, it does not bear the responsibility of many rules. As for Hichein, Higo Yin Yin Yinyin.The most likely solution is to transform its French business into a model mainly based on third -party retail seller platforms such as Amazon. “

Wang Liang told the First Financial Reporter that it is recommended that enterprises should establish an enterprise’s environment, society and corporate governance (ESG) compliance system in accordance with the requirements of the EU local laws, and regularly disclose ESG compliance situations.Persons advocate the concept of environmental protection and let enterprises bear more social responsibilities.

On January 12 this year, Lu Daliang, a spokesman for the General Administration of Customs and Statistics and Analysis of the Chinese Customs General Administration, said that at present, cross -border e -commerce has become a new force of global trade.The growth of cross -border e -commerce growth in the large network retail market is particularly rapid.According to preliminary estimates, in 2023, my country’s cross -border e -commerce imports and exports were 2.38 trillion yuan, an increase of 15.6%.Among them, exports were 1.83 trillion yuan, an increase of 19.6%; imports were 548.3 billion yuan, an increase of 3.9%.

The proposal of the proposal Anne-Cécile Violland said that the proposal includes fast fashion brands such as both PRIMARK, Xiyin, and ZARA, as well as e-commerce platforms selling fast fashion products such as TEMU, AliExpress, ZALANDO and Amazon to sell fast fashion productsEssence

“I also hope that I can say that these motivations to restrict fast fashion policies are to protect the environment and protect young people from excessive marketing,” saidIn fact (these policies) mainly reflect the attitude of conservative, anti -China and protectionism. “

Faced with this proposal, Higin issued a statement on the French media that the company’s flexibility and demand supply model can reduce the risk of inventory of traditional clothing manufacturing in the past., Sales well before continuing to order orders on demand, and stop production immediately.This on -demand flexible supply chain has always maintained the company’s unprecedented inventory level, and the number of traditional enterprises is as high as 40%.