K12 Education Listed Companies Comparison: The industry pattern is changing

K12 Education Listed Companies Comparison: The industry pattern is changing

Source: Multi Whale

After the “double reduction” policy, all the education and training companies conducted all the wayBusiness adjustment, Gradually withdraw from discipline training and make efforts to other business areas.Recently, a number of education listed companies have released financial reports, which also reflect their performance in the transformation process from the side.Although the “double reduction” policy has a certain impact on traditional discipline training, the education and training company has actively responded, accelerating the adjustment of business structure, and exploring new onesgrowth pointEssenceEducational technologyIt has also become the focus of the development of many enterprises. By combining cutting -edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data, education and training companies are committed to creating intelligent, personalized education products and services, and enhancing teaching effects and user experience.In this process, some companies also goField of vocational educationExpansion has increased investment in vocational skills training. Through cooperation with enterprises, it provides students with more practical skill training courses to improve their employment competitiveness.And some companies choose to goQuality Education CircuitDevelopment and launching non -disciplinary literacy courses for primary and secondary schools.

“Double reduction” has been more than three years, and the road of teaching and training institutions has begun to take shape.From the financial report, you can see which storms and opportunities in the transformation process?

(Revenue and net profit data are subject to the data reporting data of each company in 2023)

1) New Oriental

In the third quarter of fiscal year in fiscal 2024, New Oriental revenue was US $ 1.207.3 billion, a year -on -year increase of 60.1%; New Oriental shareholders accounted for US $ 87.167 million in net profit, an increase of 6.8%year -on -year.润 Although the revenue and profits have increased significantly, the capital market has not given corresponding positive feedback.On the evening of the 24th, New Oriental US stocks fell 13.96%.On the morning of the 25th, the New Oriental Hong Kong stocks fell over 18%.In addition, Oriental selection fell more than 7%.

2) Good future

On April 25th, Hao Future Education announced that it had not audited financial reports in the fourth quarter of fiscal year and the whole year as of February 29, 2024.According to its financial report, the fourth quarter of the fiscal year in fiscal year exceeded expectations, and its net income was 430 million US dollars, a year -on -year increase of 59.7%; the net profit attributable to a good future was 27.508 million US dollars, a year -on -year net profit increase of 169.8%.

The net income of 2024 increased from US $ 1.020 billion in the same period last year to 1.49 billion US dollars in this period, a year -on -year increase of 46.2%; the net loss attributable to a good future was 3.573 million US dollars, a narrowing loss of 97.4%year -on -year.

3) Study Education

The annual annual report of Xuedang University of Education showed that in 2023, business revenue was approximately 2.213 billion yuan, an increase of 23.09%year -on -year, and the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was about 154 million yuan, an increase of 1035.24%year -on -year.In the first quarter of 2024, the net profit attributable to the owner of the parent company was 50.1847 million yuan, an increase of 886.44%year -on -year; operating income was 705 million yuan, a year -on -year increase of 35.97%.As of the end of the first quarter of this year, the total assets of the University of Education were 3.614 billion yuan, an increase of 14.65%year -on -year, and holding 823 million yuan in currency.

4)Excellent education

In 2023, excellent education revenue was 489 million yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 0.37%; net profit was 89.88 million yuan, which was 54.073 million yuan in the same period last year, an increase of 66.2%year -on -year.In terms of gross profit, the gross profit of the Excellence Education Group in FY2023 increased by 32.8%year -on -year to 230 million yuan, and the gross profit margin increased from 35.2%in 2022 to 47%.

5) Angli Education

According to the 2023 financial report, Angli Education achieved operating income of 966 million yuan, an increase of 27%year-on-year; the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies-1.88 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 211.89%, from profit to losses; realized the belonging to shareholders of listed companies shareholders;The net profit of non-recurring profit and loss is -158 million yuan.In the first quarter of 2024, Angli Education achieved operating income of 279 million yuan, an increase of 47.42%year -on -year, and the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 10.8362 million yuan.

6)Bean god education

In 2023, the operating income of Dou Shen education was 993 million yuan, a decrease of 2.03%year -on -year; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 31.595 million yuan, an increase of 104.6%year -on -year, and the loss of non -net profit was 505 million yuan.Losses 650 million yuan.In the first quarter of this year, Dou Shen’s education revenue was 190 million yuan, an increase of 22.01%year -on -year; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 22.236 million yuan, an increase of 141.48%year -on -year.

7) Thinking of music education

In 2023, he thought that Mile revenue was 570.6 billion yuan, a year -on -year increase of 41.9%; equity holders should account for 86 million yuan in net profit during the year, an increase of 58%year -on -year.

8) Kodo Education

In 2023, the company realized total operating income of 771 million yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 2.94%; net profit of home mother was 139 million yuan, an increase of 83.60%year -on -year;The amount is 274 million yuan, an increase of 66.56% year -on -year

9) Highway

In fiscal 2023, its revenue was 2.961 billion yuan, an increase of 18.5%year -on -year; net profit also changed from profit to a loss of 155%from the same period last year’s profit of 13.17 million yuan and a loss of 7.3 million yuan.

The close connection between vocational education and economic and social development is an important part of the national education system and the development of human resources. In recent years, the country has paid more and more attention to the development of vocational education.EssenceMajor educational technology companies have also seen the broad development prospects of the vocational education market, and have deployed the field of vocational education.

Excellent education actively responds to national policies, and makes full use of the advantages of resources and teaching and research experience for many years, and is committed to a solid step in the field of vocational education.At present, excellent education has established a comprehensive strategic cooperation relationship with secondary vocational colleges and colleges and universities.Through the entire process, general and comprehensive educational services, the college entrance examination of vocational education is the ultimate goal.Tailoring a fully closed management course for students of secondary vocational colleges to ensure that students receive high -quality and high -efficiency learning experiences.Follow the development trend of the college entrance examination of the higher vocational college, and the excellence education has been further launched“Excellence 3+ Certificate Expert College Entrance Examination Class”EssenceThis course focuses on the learning characteristics of secondary vocational students, adopts small class teaching model, and uses many years of education practice experience. Combined with the selected teachers team and efficient multimedia interactive teaching aids, it can effectively improve students’ learning efficiency and achieve enrollment for secondary vocational students.Reading the goal of the ideal college provides strong support.

Education also actively responds to the development trend of the industry, and is committed to creating the core sectors of high -quality vocational education.The company’s vocational education covers three major sections: secondary vocational education, higher vocational education, integration of production and education, and vocational skills training.With the help of the company’s accumulated teaching and research knowledge system, teachers, technical advantages and industrial resources accumulated over the years, the University of Education has fully opened up vocational colleges and universities through joint school running, school -enterprise cooperation, investment organizational, professional co -construction and other models.And the channel for employment.The goal of cultivating high -quality vocational and technical talents to build a new ecosystem for modern vocational education.

Angli Education actively promotes the integration and optimization of existing vocational education business.“Fusion of production and education”As the core concept of development.Through a variety of channels, such as colleges and universities custody, industrial college co -construction, investment and operation, etc., it provides a series of services such as universal integration, integration of production, education, and science and education integration.During the reporting period, Angli Education further clarified the development path and emphasized“Hosting+consultation planning+implementation service”The development strategy is to further promote the steady development of the vocational education business.

By continuously optimizing the teaching model of Kohitan, the high -quality output of teaching content is guaranteed, and the rate of entry rates of secondary vocational graduates has continued to increase.Good school reputation and brand influence, personalized teaching services and excellent academic achievements have become the core competitiveness of the company, and the overall enrollment scale has achieved steady and rising.In the future, Corder Education will also actively find the resources of high -quality profit -making secondary vocational colleges, and accelerate the business layout of secondary vocational colleges through extension expansion.In early 2024, a new subsidiary Kohita Huiying will be engaged in artificial intelligence -related training and human resources services in the future.The company will lay the multi -point layout, continuously broaden the vocational training track, cope with the changing market environment, and meet the different needs of students.In order to develop vocational education, teaching and talent training in the field of artificial intelligence, in April 2023, the company invested 130 million yuan to participate in Zhonghao Xinying.It has been gradually constructed for many years“Self -developed AI training chip+AI computing cluster+AIGC big model”The integration of software and hardware integrated strategic layout is committed to providing customers with artificial intelligence innovation technical solutions with production and changing capabilities, and accelerating the process of engineering landing and industrialization of artificial intelligence.

Judging from the business situation of these four listed companies, vocational education training showsHigh -quality, personalized, production and education integrationthe trend of.Excellent education is based on the original teaching resources and actively integrates into vocational education.As an old -fashioned education technology company, the study of Education and Angli Education uses cutting -edge technologies such as cloud computing, big data, and artificial intelligence to empower vocational education and training, flexibly apply diversified teaching scenarios to achieve efficient and accurate teaching, enhance students’ learning experienceAnd effect.It fully realized the integration of scientific and technological innovation into all aspects of vocational education and teaching, effectively reduced the teaching burden of teachers, optimized students’ learning experience, reduced the teaching costs of the institution, and achieved the goal of vocational education reform through the empowerment of scientific and technological innovation to reduce the burden and increase efficiency.Essence

From the perspective of financial report data, New Oriental’s performance and stock price show a bipolar differentiation pattern. On the one hand, New Oriental achieved revenue of US $ 1.207.3 billion, an increase of 60.1%year -on -year, but on the other hand, the stock price fell crazy, once fell more than 19%.This situation is mainly because New Oriental’s operating costs and expenses in this quarter were US $ 1.094 billion, an increase of 59.1%year -on -year, while net profit was only 87.17 million US dollars, an increase of only 6.8%year -on -year.This situation of increasing income and increasing benefits has allowed shareholders to have doubts about the future development of New Oriental, and their willingness to invest is relatively reduced.The financial report mentioned,The main reason for the increase in costs is the increase in the relevant costs and expenses of the Eastern selection of self -operated products and live broadcasting business.

Although the stock price of New Oriental has been greatly affected, the performance of the company’s various businesses has shown a relatively stable trend.Especially in terms of preparations for going abroad and consulting abroad, the company still maintains a strong growth momentum, an increase of about 52.6%and 25.7%year -on -year.This shows that the competitiveness and influence of New Oriental in the international education market are still very strong. The continuous expansion of the company in studying abroad consulting and training and other related business areas also provides strong support for the steady growth of performance.

In the financial report, Yu Minhong revealed that New Oriental’s new education business has increased significantly in this quarter.These new businesses cover non -disciplinary counseling services and intelligent learning systems and equipment.Data show that in this quarter, New Oriental’s non -disciplinary counseling business has expanded to nearly 60 cities, and the number of applicants has reached 355,000.Although the number of applicants decreased by 54.8%month -on -month compared to 786,000 people in the previous quarter, this number still shows the potential and development momentum of new businesses.At the same time, the active paid users of intelligent learning systems and equipment have also shown a growth trend, reaching 188,000, an increase of 3.9%month -on -month, which shows that New Oriental’s continuous investment in intelligent learning and increased user acceptance.

Behind the rapid growth of New Oriental’s new education business reflects the company’s continuous exploration and innovation efforts and the ability to adapt to the reform of the education industry.The expansion of non -disciplinary counseling business covers a wider range of cities, showing the company’s efforts to meet students’ needs in different regions.Although the number of applicants has decreased a certain proportion month -on -month, this may also be related to seasonal factors or market strategies adjustment, and it does not necessarily have problems with business development.At the same time, the growth of intelligent learning systems and equipment shows the importance and investment of New Oriental to scientific and technological education to meet the growing personalized learning needs of students.With the continuous development of the education industry and the advancement of science and technology, New Oriental continues to expand business boundaries, strive to improve the quality of teaching and service to meet changing market demand.These measures have laid a solid foundation for New Oriental’s leading position in the future competition.

The main business of Dou Shen education includes artistic learning service business, live e -commerce sales business, cultural tourism research business, smart education service business, and public welfare classroom business.Like New Oriental, Dou Shen Education has also made great efforts in the field of live e -commerce and has achieved satisfactory results.Among them, the sales revenue of live e -commerce companies was 411,204.1 billion yuan, an increase of 28.84%year -on -year.Dou Xin, CEO of Dou Shen Education, said that the company will continue to work hard in the field of live e -commerce.Bean God Education DevelopmentLive e -commerce sales businessSince the company, the company has accumulated rich experience in the interactive scene of education and teaching. It has explored the full -process training system in short video+live broadcast scenarios, and established a standardized live sale manual.In the company’s system, hundreds of anchors have been cultivated one after another. These anchors generally have strong expressiveness and infectious power. The core anchors can live and interact with smoothly, vivid and infectious expressions.The live viewers showed good viscosity, and the ability to sell for the anchor continued to improve.

Compared with the pressure of New Oriental’s two major sectors in e -commerce and education, the pressure has doubled, and the good future has achieved profit returning. According to its financial report, the performance of the fourth quarter of the fiscal year in fiscal year exceeded expected, and its net income was 430 million US dollars.The year -on -year increase was 59.7%; the net profit attributable to good future was 27.508 million US dollars, and the year -on -year net profit increase was 169.8%.Different from New Oriental, the good future strategic field is still online education business. After the implementation of the “double reduction” policy, a good future decides to peel off the disciplinary training business and retain three core sections: learning services, content solutions and technical solutions.During the reporting period, the revenue of good future content solutions increased by 100%year -on -year, which was mainly driven by learning machine sales.In the fourth quarter, the number of learning machines sold for about 100,000 units, better than the 80,000 previous expected, of which the new model accounted for more than 50%, and the unit price increased by 40%. It is one of the main factors that drive the company’s income over market expectations.At the same time, the performance of quality education in the learning service business is also very eye -catching, with income increased by more than 50%year -on -year, accounting for more than 40%of total revenue.

In the financial report, Peng Zhuangzhuang, a good future president and chief financial officer, mentioned, “In order to keep up with the continuous evolution of customer needs, it will explore and design differentiated products and services.Its response speed and accuracy, and strive to integrate artificial intelligence with existing products and services.Seize the potential areas of new opportunities. “Successive technological innovation and improvement will enable a better future to better meet changing education needs, and provide students and education institutions with more intelligent and efficient education solutions.

According to the latest announcement of the National Education Development Statistics, the number of kindergartens, primary and junior high schools from 2018 to 2023 showed a steady growth trend, from 196 million to 202 million people.It is worth mentioning that the number of students in the school accounted for the highest number of students. It reached 108 million in 2023 alone, accounting for 54%of the total.Since 2019, the total number of students in my country has maintained a total of more than 200 million. Although the growth rate of the number of K9 students has slowed down, the overall scale still maintains a stable trend.Compared with traditional discipline courses, quality courses pay more attention to the comprehensive literacy of students’ thinking patterns, language expression skills, physical health, and aesthetic sentiment.

Excellent education stated that it will focus on the core strategic system of “quality education+full -time review+vocational education”, accelerate the development of quality education business, strengthen the exploration of vocational education, accelerate the development of the second growth curve, and promote the layout of diversified areas.Students provide richer and better education services and products.With the development and promotion of artificial intelligence technology, it will also explore more in the field of AI+education.

Among them, in the quality education sector, excellent education covers a multi -model of the after -school user group through “Quality Products in the School” and “Outside School Self -Operational Stores”.It will also work further with more primary and secondary schools.At the same time, the forward -looking layout of out -of -school self -employed stores, through local pilots, create a “self -operating model after class education”.It will also continue to deepen the “quality education+community” model, radiate the surrounding surroundings centered on the community, reorganize diversified quality education products, and launch a comprehensive and multi -category one -stop quality education base.

After the implementation of the “double reduction” policy, thinking about music education actively adjusted the focus of business. In the fall of 2021, a non -disciplinary literacy course for primary and secondary school students was launched, covering scientific literacy, patriotism, logical thinking training, and international literacy.Field, under“Lexue”The brand has become the core representative.Today, the company has established a complete quality education system and has become the industry’s leading quality education service provider.

According to the 2023 financial data released by thinking about Le Education, the income brought by the literacy course increased from 369.8 million yuan in the previous year to 518.9 million yuan, and related counseling courses also increased from 4.28 million last year to 5.97 million.Essence

After the implementation of the “dual reduction” policy, high roads began to actively carry out business transformation, which willQuality Vegetarian Nourishing TrainingAs a key development direction.According to the minutes of the high -road performance meeting, in the first quarter of 2023, non -disciplinary training and receipts achieved three -digit growth year -on -year.In the second quarter, non -disciplinary training revenue increased by about 75%year -on -year, and the receipt was achieved double -digit growth year -on -year, and the cash flow of positive operation was achieved.In terms of operation, the retention rate is also significantly improved.By the fourth quarter, non -disciplinary training received a three -digit growth.Gao Tu provides students with a wealth of choices. There are professional teachers in various fields to provide guidance for students, fully demonstrating their resource advantages as the headline platform.

It can be seen from the financial reports of these educational listed companies that technology has played an extremely important role in its transformation process.Scientific and technological innovation helps educational training enterprises to better integrate the original accumulated educational resources into the new business sector, thereby achieving business innovation and development.Scientific and technological innovationIt provides strong motivation and support for the transformation and upgrading of education and training enterprises.By continuously exploring and applied new technological means, these companies can better meet market demand, expand business fields, and achieve sustainable development.Driven by policy support, vocational education has also become one of the important directions for the transformation of education institutions.By increasing investment and development of vocational education, educational and training institutions can better meet market demand, expand business fields, and achieve sustainable development.At the same time, the development of vocational education will also provide talent support and motivation for the transformation and upgrading of my country’s economic structure, and promote the stability and healthy development of economic and social.In addition, the rapid expansion of quality education also provides a new direction for the transformation of teaching and training enterprises, showing a strong development momentum.