Last year, Beijing citizens had a scientific quality ratio of 27.68%, ranking first in the country

On March 26, the Beijing National Science and Quality Work Club was held in 2024.The reporter learned from the meeting that the proportion of Beijing citizens in 2023 was 27.68%of the scientific quality, and the overall level of Beijing continued to improve, and it continued to ranks first in the country.


HaidiandistrictCitizens have the scientific quality proportion ranked first in Beijing 16th.


The “Opinions on Further Strengthening the popularization of science and technology in the new era” issued by the China Affairs Office of the State Council in 2022 proposes that in 2025, citizens have a scientific quality ratio of more than 15%, reaching 25%in 2035.


The reporter learned from the Beijing Science and Technology Association that since entering the “Fourteenth Five -Year Plan”, Beijing’s citizen’s scientific quality level has continued to maintain a rapid growth trend.In 2023, the proportion of Beijing citizens with scientific quality was 27.68%, which continued to ranks first in the country.The proportion of citizens in Haidian District is 36.2%, which continues to ranks first in Beijing 16.


Yu Yingjie, member of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Education Working Committee, and a member of the municipal government party group, said that it is necessary to coordinate and solve the problems and balance the scientific quality.In 2023, the overall development of the scientific quality of Beijing citizens is good, but the problem of imbalanced development of Beijing citizen’s scientific quality and inadequate problems still exist. It is necessary to further strengthen the overall planning of science popularization resources at the city, integrate and promote high -quality science popularization resources, science popularization services to sink the foundation, promote the promotionScience popularization resources are tilted towards weak areas, and the new era of science popularization ecology of social cooperation, digital communication, standardized construction, and international cooperation will be established.


Implement five key groups such as young people, farmers, and elderly people’s scientific quality improvement actions


The meeting deployed the task of key work of the scientific quality of Beijing in 2024, and clarified a total of 51 key tasks of four aspects, including adhering to the needs of key populations and promoting the continuous improvement of citizens’ scientific quality.


Implement the improvement of scientific quality of youth, do a good job in the “addition” of scientific education, and promote the cultivation of talent talents in scientific and technological innovation.Strengthen the training of discipline teachers.Incorporate the scientific spirit, scientific ideas, and scientific methods into the process of teacher training.


The implementation of the scientific quality of farmers’ scientific quality, focusing on protecting the ecological environment, disaster prevention and mitigation, hygiene and health, etc., in -depth popularization of science publicity and education activities, and popularizing scientific common sense, disaster prevention and avoidance.Implement science and technology to help rural revitalization projects.Promote the construction of rural rejuvenation workstations, link the “Science and Technology Council”, and form a mechanism for cooperation mechanisms for science and technology experts and science popularization bases, parks, and farmers’ cooperation.


Implement the improvement of the scientific quality of industrial workers.Improve employee skills and quality.Create an employee Innovation Studio and promote the construction of an academician and expert workstation of Beijing.


Implement the scientific quality improvement action of the elderly.Implement science and technology to benefit old actions.Carry out special actions for anti -fraud for the elderly.Carry out silver -age cross -digital gap series services.Relying on the Beijing Pension Service Network and mobile applets, smart terminal products are promoted in the field of pension services.R & D “New Concepts of Nutrition and Health of the Elderly” series of popular science education video courses.


Implement the scientific quality improvement actions of leading cadres and civil servants.Handle the scientific quality lecture hall in Beijing.Continue to increase the scientific quality education and training of cadres and civil servants, and accurately improve the scientific literacy and ability to perform duties in related fields.Rich online learning courses.Broaden the sources of the curriculum of Beijing Cadre Network College and enrich the online courses related to scientific literacy.In the examination of civil servants, strengthen the investigation of scientific literacy.


Encourage experts


Beijing will also implement the tasks of key projects and build a social science popularization pattern.


Strengthen the social responsibility of science and technology workers.Encourage professional and technical personnel to actively participate in popular science activities, give play to the role of high -end talents such as academicians and experts, and take the initiative, timely, accurate, and authoritative voice in response to social hotspots and focus issues.


Expand the science popularization function of science and technology infrastructure.Encourage and promote large scientific installations (equipment), various laboratories at all levels, engineering technology research centers, field scientific observation research stations, and practical bases, etc. are open to the society.


Support popular science creation for the forefront of world science and technology, the main battlefield of the economy, the major needs of the country, and the health of the people’s life.


Develop and use conditional industrial heritage and idle production facilities, build a science and technology museum, industrial museum, safety experiments venues, and popular science creative parks, and expand the science popularization function of social facilities.


Beijing News reporter Zhang Lu