The opening schedule of the Primary and Middle School Student Track and Field Games in Xinglong County, Hebei

The opening schedule of the Primary and Middle School Student Track and Field Games in Xinglong County, Hebei

On May 20, the opening ceremony of the Primary and Middle School Student Track and Field Games in Xinglong County.He Jingfei
China News Service, Hebei News, May 20 (He Jing) In order to help the “Double Fighting ‘with me · Vitality Hebei” activity, on May 20, 2024, the primary and secondary school students in Xinglong County, Chengde City, Hebei Province, opened.840 athletes from 12 representatives from all schools in the county welcomed the sports event to share the charm of sports.
On May 20th, at the opening ceremony of the Primary and Middle School Student Track and Field Games in Xinglong County, students performed the show.He Jingfei
It is understood that this year’s primary and secondary students’ track and field sports meetings have eight groups of primary school men’s group A group A group A, primary school men’s group B, primary school women’s group A, primary school women’s group B, junior high school men’s group, junior high school women’s group, high school men’s group, high school women’s group, and high school women’s group.126 competitions with a schedule for 3 days.
In recent years, Xinglong County, Hebei has firmly implemented the “five educational” education policy, conscientiously implemented the “Regulations on the School of School Sports”, gradually strengthened physical education teaching, comprehensively implemented sports training, vigorously carried out various sports activities, and the school’s cultural and sports life was more abundantThe characteristic sports culture can be manifested; students’ physical fitness is continuously enhanced, and the stubborn hard work spirit is strongly shaped; the level of athletes has improved significantly, and a large number of sports professionals have come out of Xinglong, and they have won many honors for the county.
“This sports meeting is not only a stadium for the hard work of the athletes, but also the stage for showing the results of our county’s physical education. The holding of this sports meeting will definitely promote the development of primary and secondary schools in our county.It plays an active role. “Wang Zhi, director of the Education and Sports Bureau of Xinglong County.(over)